Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding

As the famous proverb expresses: “all excesses are harmful.” Therefore, excessive consumption of any food is counterproductive both in lactation and in any other stage.
Foods to avoid while breastfeeding

Because they want to provide their baby as well as possible from the first moment, many mothers wonder if there are some foods that they should avoid consuming while breastfeeding to prevent their milk from being “contaminated”. Have you ever asked yourself this question? If so, do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

Breast milk is, par excellence, the best food that can be provided to the newborn. Now, can it be really upset if the mother consumes certain foods and drinks? What about the fish? What is true and what is not on this issue? Let’s dive into it below.

What is there to know about feeding while breastfeeding?

First of all, there is a crucial point to remember in all of this: the composition of breast milk is not as easily altered as is often believed. The mother’s diet affects only a few nutrients, according to a study published in the journal Annals of Pediatrics .

Mom with her baby following some breastfeeding tips.

Priya Tew, mother, dietitian and member of the British Dietetic Association and the Council of Healthcare Professionals says that, except for oily fish, there is no list of foods to avoid while breastfeeding.

Likewise, the expert comments that a special diet is not necessary during breastfeeding, but a balanced diet, according to the mother’s needs from a nutritional point of view. Of course, if the mother suffers from a food allergy, she should avoid it, but for her own health.

Some of its most important recommendations for breastfeeding mothers are as follows:

  • Maintain adequate hydration (prioritize water consumption over any other drink, even homemade juices).
  • Avoid going over 3-4 cups of coffee a day.
  • Although the ideal is to avoid it completely, the mother could drink alcohol occasionally and occasionally.
  • It is not a good idea to go on any diet to lose weight while breastfeeding. It is essential to consult well with the doctor and nutritionist and follow their instructions to achieve the goal, without putting health at risk.
  • Although it is tempting to take more care of your baby’s nutrition than your own, do not neglect yourself. Eating balanced helps to stay healthy and active, something essential at any stage.

What should be avoided consuming while breastfeeding?

As in many other topics, there are many myths about what you should and should not consume while breastfeeding. Most of them are unfounded in ignorance about nutrition and health, as well as popular beliefs that science does not support.

Dark chocolate, although it seems contradictory, is beneficial for weight loss.

Some of the most common myths are:

  • Caffeine sources (such as coffee, tea, chocolate and cola) should not be consumed because “they can affect the health of the baby.”
  • Foods that cause flatulence (such as legumes) should not be consumed because “it will cause colic to the baby”:
  • Eating very spicy or highly seasoned foods “can alter breast milk and irritate the baby’s stomach.”
  • The mother should not consume chocolate because it contains theobromine , which “can cause diarrhea in the baby and can also affect the baby’s nervous system and also cause nervousness and irritability.”
  • The consumption of sweets and sweets should be avoided “because it could promote the child’s restlessness and make it difficult for him to listen and fall asleep.
  • We must avoid consuming fast and ultra-processed food because “they contain too many chemicals and can contaminate the body of the mother and the baby.”

There is no scientific evidence that the aforementioned has a true impact on the health of the baby during breastfeeding.

Therefore, first of all, common sense must be maintained: any excess can harm the health of the woman and interfere (to a greater or lesser extent) and, therefore, the feeding of the baby.

For example, excessive caffeine consumption can cause a mother to overdose and this can prevent her from being willing to breastfeed her child. As MedlinePlus experts explain: “It may take a short hospital stay to complete treatment for caffeine overdose.”

So what should be avoided while breastfeeding?

The Scientific Information and News Service indicates that, from the scientific community, there is still much to investigate and specify about what should be avoided and why. However, it is recommended to completely avoid the consumption of drugs in general: tobacco, alcohol and narcotics, since it is considered that these could have different consequences for the baby’s health.

Final reflection

If you are close to being a mother (or have recently been), do not worry. Tell your doctor about all your concerns and the professional will help you clear them up and know how you should feed yourself during breastfeeding so that you can be healthy and sure of yourself when taking care of your baby.

If at any time you have doubts about a specific aspect again, do not keep the doubt to yourself and tell the professional about it. This way you will not only know what to do and what not to do, but you will also be able to have greater ease when organizing your meals on a day-to-day basis. Remember, no question is silly when it comes to your or your baby’s health. 

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