Tips For Dealing With Children’s Loose Teeth
Loose teeth do not take long to appear in the life of a child from approximately six years of age, it turns out to be a very important event in the whole family. Depending on how the little one takes it, it could mean chaos if a baby tooth becomes loose, because not everyone will be calm before this fact.
It is common for parents to put into practice the same methodology that their own parents used to act in these cases, where the most typical thing is usually the tie with thread. However, dealing with children’s loose teeth is not an easy task when we want there to be no trauma.
Although it is a natural situation, some children or even their parents may be more sensitive when seeing how their teeth loosen. Having to decide whether to remove them, take him to a dentist, or wait for everything to spontaneously sort itself out can become a stressful decision.
Act naturally on loose teeth
As long as we adults remain calm, we can transmit tranquility to the little ones ; If they are scared, it is convenient to explain to them simply that it is a natural process. Scolding, teasing, or frightening him should be avoided, as this could lead to more serious problems than a loose tooth actually is.
In this particular situation it is not considered serious, but it is advisable to act in time to avoid deformations in the posterior tooth structure. If we already know that there is a loose tooth, we may advise that you continue to loosen it with your tongue until it is ready to fall out.
Even when we are seeing that everything is working normally, it is advisable to explain to them that it will continue to happen with their other teeth, for which they must remain calm. On the other hand, let’s avoid touching your teeth with your fingers, as your hands could be dirty and cause infection.
Another risk of touching the tooth with your fingers is that you can end up pulling it out without its time, which could be painful or generate some bleeding. The specialists recommend that the same child is the one who removes his tooth when it is quite loose, this in order to know if there is pain.
Loose teeth, what should I do?
The role of adults is essential in these cases, since the child must feel the security that nothing bad is happening or is about to happen. It is for this reason that the first thing is to act naturally, but with caution that the child does not hurt himself, swallow or bite his own tooth.
If some time has passed and we notice that the child still has doubts about removing his tooth, it is convenient that we help him. It is recommended that it be a simple process, that it be done firmly and delicately, without the need to fall into conflict or cause any trauma to the child.
Here are some tips that may help you deal with loose teeth in children.
- Use a gauze so that the child can grab it or you can do it if you are going to tear it off. The gauze will also help contain potential bleeding.
- Flossing it when it’s ready
- It is normal that some loose teeth take longer to fall, these are the ones that can cause problems for children
- If we find cases where the child is reluctant to eat, to touch his tooth or to be touched, it is advisable to take him to the dentist
- We must also go to a specialist when the milk tooth has not fallen out even after the permanent tooth has been born. This is a case that happens in a low 1%, but it is totally possible
- The loss of milk teeth should be an opportunity to strengthen trust between the child, their parents and their loved ones, since the little one should not feel threatened and should recognize that it is a situation that everyone cares about.
- Take the opportunity to teach him how to take care of his teeth, educate him on the importance of having clean and healthy teeth, because with his new smile he will have an idea of how valuable it is to keep all teeth
- Try to make it a fun time, that he can get to know the structure of his tooth that has fallen out. A photo is an excellent souvenir ah! and don’t forget to tell him the story of the little mouse.