Maternal Stress: Signs And Solutions

Maternal stress: signs and solutions

When we talk about stress management, the first things that come to mind are words like yoga, meditation, rest, or relaxation. Now, imagine for a moment that you are the mother of a baby and you are in full transition of maternal stress. In many cases, handling this situation is difficult or impossible for a woman who does not know how. Therefore, if this is your situation, we want to teach you the keys you need to know.

As much as possible, becoming a mother should be a conscious and planned act. Although, certainly, many women in the world receive a baby in their arms without having had any prior preparation on how to handle maternal stress.

Tools to manage maternal stress are necessary in raising a child. And they are because being a mother is a full-time task to which is added the work of taking care of a house and often having to work. In this way, it is normal for all of this to generate stress at some point in your life.

Stress has many faces

Stress is not something you should worry too much about, as it is in a way a natural reaction to physical or emotional pressure. However, the problems begin when the mother is in some way out of control and that situation affects other members of the family.

Children learn from their parents how to manage their own stress. Therefore, the ideal is that you immediately recognize the signs and symptoms, and thus learn to apply quick and healthy solutions in order to prevent their harmful effects from reaching others within the home.

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Signs and symptoms of stress in your body

Generally, a person with a lot of stress has a rapid increase in heart and respiratory rates, in addition to blood pressure and muscle tension. On the contrary, the digestive process and resistance to disease decline. Also, digestion can lead to heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea.

Sleep patterns are disrupted, energy levels fluctuate, and feelings of exhaustion are constant even when you sleep well. Stress can also make menstruation out of control in women, cause pain and the onset or worsening of diseases. Finally, the difficulty to control the nerves can sometimes cause episodes of anger.

Techniques to reduce maternal stress

Being a mother is definitely a tiring job; That is why it is important to know strategies that help you relax whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation.

Freelance writer Jeremy Lehrer talks about an alternative based on “calming the mind” in the face of stressful moments that the parenting process can produce. This alternative is called “mindfulness” and it is about “calming your mind so that you can be more present in the moment”.

Something like always living in the present moment: the here and now. In one of his articles, he offers three ways or techniques to handle maternal or parenting stress in the healthiest way possible, let’s see what they consist of:

  1. Conscious breathing:

To put the mindful breathing technique into practice, it is necessary to pay attention to the way in which air enters and leaves the body. You can close your eyes or keep them open, whichever helps you focus the most. As you breathe in and out, focus on counting from 1 to 10 or two at a time.

Counting helps you notice when a thought breaks into your mind.  When this happens, let it pass and go back to counting the breaths. Thoughts will always arise and you will find that the mind is restless. However, the idea of ​​the mindful breathing exercise is precisely to educate the mind.

You will see that little by little this exercise will become easier for you. The secret is in how disciplined and consistent you are. If you do this exercise daily, you will find that it will make you feel calmer and more relaxed and you will carry out your tasks with a new predisposition.

Conscious breathing helps combat maternal stress.
  1. Sensation perception:

Another technique to combat stress and achieve a state of conscious relaxation is to pay  attention to the sensations of our body. To put it into practice you must, first of all, focus on your breathing. Inhale and exhale deeply until you feel your mind relaxed and you begin to feel the different parts of your body .

The purpose of this technique is to be aware of the sensations of your body, not to judge them but to identify them and recognize how our body is reacting to stress and worries. The mind and body need to be in tune. This is accomplished by being more attentive to the perceptions of the body.

You can also do this by listening carefully to the sounds around you. The goal is to notice the subtle changes in the sounds. Sometimes the mind is so full of negative thoughts, anxiety, anger or frustration that we forget to connect with those around us.

  1. Conscious relaxation:

This technique is especially effective when you are upset or angry, explains Lehrer. When you notice that you are in that state, it is advisable that you look for a secluded place in the house so that you can try to relax and think better. Ask them to please give you a few minutes and avoid all kinds of distractions around you.

When you do this, lie down on the floor, close your eyes, and focus on your breath again. This time try to breathe and feel the different parts of your body in order. You can start with your feet, sit them down and invite them to relax, then do the same with your knees, thighs and the rest of your body parts.

You can also start from the head and feel how each muscle in your face, your shoulders, your hands relaxes and so on until you reach your feet. When you finish relaxing each part of your body and decide to sit up again, get up off the floor gently.

There are many videos that can help you guide the execution of these types of techniques, whose constant practice can help you gradually eliminate maternal stress and help you face day-to-day challenges in the best spirit.

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