5 Natural Remedies To Relieve Colds In Pregnancy
There are a number of natural remedies to relieve colds in pregnancy. With them the incidence and intensity of respiratory diseases are reduced. Not all have scientific evidence, but some have proven their effectiveness in well-designed studies.
The first thing to keep in mind is that the cold is an infectious disease that can be caused by several different viruses. Normally, it is suffered when the defenses go down, for example, in seasonal changes. In this sense, it is optimal to propose a diet that keeps the immune system strong and competent.
Natural remedies for cold relief in pregnancy
We go there with the best natural remedies to relieve a cold in pregnancy. Remember that efficacy will also depend on the severity of symptoms and individual factors.
Consume lemon juice
Lemon juice is characterized by its antioxidant and vitamin C content. Maintaining high levels of this last nutrient reduces the incidence and severity of respiratory diseases, according to a study published in Frontiers in Immunology .
It has even been shown that supplementation with the vitamin generates a significant decrease in symptoms. However, you can increase the levels of the nutrient naturally. To do this, the consumption of citrus fruits and peppers will help.
Increase fluid intake
It is important to increase the consumption of mineral water if you develop a cold in pregnancy. With this practice you will be able to avoid nasal congestion and improve breathing capacity. Thus, it is easier to guarantee optimal rest, an important condition for pathologies to heal sooner.
However, keep in mind that not all types of liquids will work. It is best to opt for natural water or an infusion allowed during pregnancy. Soft drinks and juices should be avoided, as the sugar content of these products makes them unhealthy.
Eat nuts to relieve a cold in pregnancy
Another important nutrient in the fight against infectious diseases is zinc, which stimulates the differentiation of white cells, as stated by research published in the journal Nutrients . Thanks to this property, the microorganisms that cause symptoms are fought.
To ensure an adequate intake of zinc, it is important to introduce nuts in the diet, especially in snacks. Another useful strategy is to slightly increase your consumption of red meat, especially beef. You have to opt for the leanest parts, which are those that concentrate almost all the mineral.
Control the ambient temperature
When you have a cold in pregnancy, it is important to control the room temperature to achieve a better feeling of comfort. If it is too cold, nasal secretions will be stimulated, making it difficult to breathe. In hot environments, you may experience a low-grade fever.
For this reason, it is optimal to maintain 22 degrees Celsius in the room. Of course, ensuring good ventilation and air renewal. In this way, the viral load in the bedroom is reduced, which will stimulate later recovery.
Hot showers or cloths against muscle pain
Keep in mind that it is possible to experience muscle pain when you have a cold in pregnancy. The use of drugs in this state should be avoided, unless strictly necessary. Some medications such as paracetamol can be ingested, but it is preferable to implement an alternative strategy.
In order to soothe muscle pain, you can opt for a relaxing hot shower, even a bath. It is also another option to consider the fact of placing heating patches or hot towels on the most affected muscle areas, as this has an analgesic effect.
Put into practice natural remedies to relieve a cold in pregnancy
As discussed, there are methods to alleviate cold symptoms in pregnancy without resorting to pharmacology. In any case, there are cases in which the symptoms are severe and it will be necessary to go to the doctor and take a drug to help control the process.
Keep in mind that feverish states are dangerous and must be treated with care. In the case of suffering any compatible symptoms, it is important to consult with the specialist, since this will offer the best solution in this regard.