15 Tips For Parents When Feeding Their Babies
Feeding our babies is a topic that usually causes many concerns, so you have to be well informed for it to be a successful task.
All parents need help to understand what the concept of good nutrition really means for children . On many occasions, we end up repeating bad habits in their daily routine or we easily abandon the goals that we set for ourselves to guarantee their nutrition.
On the other hand, the large amount of information that exists in this regard can cause serious confusion, instead of guiding adults on this long road . The good news is that for our little ones to eat correctly, we don’t have to become experts in nutrition and dietetics.
Mom and Dad should lead by example at mealtime
Improves the feeding of babies
To improve the feeding of babies, just follow a few simple tips . You probably think that this list of recommendations is made for first-time parents, but remember that children are not the same and that what may have worked for you with the first one, will not work for the rest of your children.
Faced with this scenario, we invite you to read these brief tips that will help you feed your babies, without forgetting details, or committing those mistakes frequent that tarnish the success of this mission.
15 tricks to feed your babies
Establish habits of feeding positive helps prevent serious health problems such as childhood obesity , indigestion or loss of appetite . Therefore, it is essential that you are always attentive to this issue and try to be consistent with the routines that you create for your babies.
Here are a series of guidelines that you can follow when feeding them:
In family everything is perfect
AND It’s important that mom and dad try to eat at least one of the basic meals of the day with their children. This is a meeting point that serves to share, strengthen the bond family and recognize the relevance of this act.
Avoid distractions and games
Watching TV while eating is the most common mistake. This prevents the creation of values , and does not promote digestion. In addition, it is likely that if you eat with a distraction in front of you, you tend to consume more food than is necessary, which has a negative impact on health.
Learn to listen
Being aware of how they eat can backfire. Observe how it interacts with food, its gestures and expressions.
Share your own experience with food
Talk about the importance of the dishes they are eating, the benefits, and the differences between each. It is important to start nutrition education from the first moment. In this way, your children will understand the importance of eating correctly and will continue to do so as they grow.
Respect the rhythm of each child
Sometimes we think that they are very slow to eat, but we forget that snacks are new experiences for them. It is important to let them experiment with food, within limits. In fact, a new method known as baby lead weaning is committed to offering unprocessed food to the 6-month-old baby so that he begins to investigate and consume it at his own pace.
Watch the interest in the preparations
It is not about giving him an award because there is food or threatening him with something because he does not do it the way you want. Try to encourage him with encouraging messages such as: “you will grow healthy and strong”, “you will be the fastest in the races”.
Adapt the servings
Do not serve exaggerated portions, or limit what you serve. If he’s no longer hungry, don’t force him to eat. Making your child consume more food than he needs can lead to a state of overweight in the medium term. Remember that weight gain from fat reserves poses a health risk. According to research published in the journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta , obesity and diabetes are two diseases that are closely related.
A low pressure feeding
Don’t scold him if he’s distracted. Encourage him to continue feeding with a positive message.
If you don’t like it, let it go
Don’t be frustrated if you’ve prepared a delicious menu and they tell you they don’t like it. Invite him to try or try something else.
A healthy dessert
It is the part most awaited by all. Do not handle this resource as a reward or punishment, but as part of the moment. Try to prepare low-sugar desserts to avoid getting too used to the sweet taste.
Beware of drinks
Natural juices are the best option. Don’t try fizzy drinks that damage your digestive system and have a lot of sugar.
Avoid the processed
When it comes to feeding your child, you should always opt for fresh food. The ultra-processed ones are never a good option since they contain additives that are capable of damaging your health.
Introduce vegetables into your diet
You probably already know that it is essential to consume vegetables regularly. It is important that you get your child used to coming into contact with these foods from the first moment to avoid rejection in adulthood.
Drink water
Get your child used to eating with water. He insists on the importance of drinking fluids with meals to enjoy good digestion and reduce the risk of subsequent discomfort.
Includes fiber
Children often have constipation problems that make them uncomfortable. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to guarantee a correct supply of fiber that stimulates intestinal transit. Go for whole grain and whole grain foods.
Follow these tricks to improve baby feeding
Mom and dad must bet on creating eating habits that favor their development . These are lessons that they will repeat at school and wherever else they go.
Follow these tips to ensure a good diet for your little one
Teach them how beneficial it is to eat healthy and varied . Enjoy these moments with him and become his best example when you go to feed him.